News – SL

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Short-Term Training Event

Short-Term Training Event Date: March 7th to March 9th, 2023 Location: Novo Mesto, Slovenia Hosted by: DRPDNM In early March 2023, an …

Project Meeting in Helsinki, Finland in April 2023 In the beginning of April 2023, all the StartPoint partners met in Helsinki, Finland …

4th TPM and Final Conference

The 4th and final Transnational Project Meeting was a marking the end phase of the project. As throughout the whole partnership, the consortium was …

Citizenship is the core value that gives people the knowledge and skills to understand, challenge and engage with the society. Democracies need …

Your rights as a European

What are the rights of European citizens? This is certainly one of the common questions asked by those seeking EU citizenship. But …

2nd meeting

The 2nd Transnational Project Meeting was a successful and productive one. We reunited with the coordinator from Germany – KulturLife and the …

The European Democracy Passport, available since Spring 2020 and in 24 official languages, facilitates public participation across the European Union, the world’s …

1st meeting

The second TPM (first in person) of the consortium has taken place in the beautiful Graz, Austria. The project is successfully moving …

Why is democratic participation in our communities so important? Because this way we can help changing the world. Start Point project is …

1st Newsletter

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Financirano s strani Evropske unije. Izražena stališča in mnenja so zgolj stališča in mnenja avtorja(-ev) in ni nujno, da odražajo stališča in mnenja Evropske unije ali Evropske izvajalske agencije za izobraževanje in kulturo (EACEA). Zanje ne moreta biti odgovorna niti Evropska unija niti EACEA. 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000026469