2nd meeting

The 2nd Transnational Project Meeting was a successful and productive one. We reunited with the coordinator from Germany – KulturLife and the partners from Austria – InterAktion , Slovenia – Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto , Finland – Learning for Integration ry , Portugal – @Rightchallenge , and Cyprus – Center for Social Innovation – CSI .

We got updates on the progress of the

Project Result 1 – Audit report – which is already finished.

Project Result 2 – Digital citizenship learning toolkit,

Project Result 3 – Community learning programme

Project Result 4 – Local participation projects

and established the next steps to be followed in the months to come. A lot of interesting things are happening and you will be able to take part in it as well soon.

We also discussed about the Learning, teaching, and training activity that will bring together 12 Adult Educators from all the partner countries in Slovenia, Novo Mesto next year in March. We are looking forward to meeting you there!

Many thanks to the hosting organization from Portugal – RightChallenge!

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