


KulturLife gGmbH is a non-profit organisation in Kiel, Germany, and dedicates its work to intercultural exchange and transformative learning.
The vision is that bringing people together enables learning processes and leads to overcoming inner barriers. When fostering understanding between individuals, a contribution to a more peaceful and fair co-living in this globalised world can be made.
KulturLife organises learning formats such as high-school exchange year, work programs, voluntary services, internships abroad, etc. for youngsters and young adults to gain intercultural experiences and for personal growth. KulturLife implements projects under Erasmus+ Key Action 1 with the focus of improving personal, social and professional skills of young people through mobility throughout Europe as well as different Erasmus+ Key Action 2 projects to reach the objective of understanding, inclusion, equality and respect within society.

Rightchallenge is a non-governmental organisation that aims to promote education and training centred on the themes of social inclusion and equal opportunities. The organisation promotes active, responsible and democratic citizenship through education and partnering with a range of stakeholders. RightChallenge provides elementary and family education, vocational training, health and rehabilitation, housing and care services and work and activities for specific groups. RightChallenge believe that education is an integral part of the development of the young person in order to prepare them to participate and intervene in all dimensions of society including family, work, community and leisure.

The mission of Learning for Integration ry, founded in 2012, is to promote the learning of languages and cultural sensitivity of migrant, immigrant and refugee children and youth in Finland and other Nordic countries in order to facilitate their integration into the new culture and the development of a multicultural society. We have a solid background in language teaching and material creation and we would like to use this experience to support our mission to create language awareness through activities such as playgroups for pre-school children, language exchange groups for adults and free language learning material and eLearning possibilities for all ages. We also participate in several Erasmus+ and NordPlus projects regarding immigration and language learning, technology and media, social issues, entrepreneurship, disadvantaged groups etc.

Contact info: Marja-Liisa Helenius, Chairperson,

Center for Social Innovation (CSI) is a Research and Development organization, which focuses on fostering social innovation that can bring about a positive change to local, national, regional, and global entities. These entities include but are not limited to governments, local administrative agencies, non-for-profit agencies, commercial entities, and educational institutions. The CSI team is composed of open-minded, fully equipped researchers, entrepreneurs, project managers, trainers, and Information Technology specialists. CSI encompasses the capability and capacity to identify social needs, design and implement adjusted initiatives, and provide for sustainable growth. The CSI team’s areas of expertise are in the fields of traditional education and e-learning, entrepreneurship, start-ups, innovation, creativity, negotiations, IP advisory services, social responsibility, business advisory solutions, data analytics, information technologies, project management, project evaluation services, product validation, training and computer gaming.

InterAktion is an Austrian organisation active in the field of human rights, sustainability, integration of the young people from migrant families and refugees, aiming to encourage intercultural dialogues between the people from different backgrounds and cultures through non-formal educational methods. The founding of InterAktion results from a defined need for additional support of young refugees during their process of integration. The organisation promotes active citizenship and voluntarism among the young people in Styria and contributes to the self-development and the inclusion of the marginalized groups and youth at risk. InterAktion is active in Trofaiach and Graz.

Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo mesto (DRPDNM) is a non-governmental and humanitarian organization, working in the public interest in the fields of social protection, culture, and youth. Our vision is to contribute to more inclusive and open society for all, by integrating socially excluded groups, promoting active citizenship and participation (especially among youth), encouraging the development of NGO sector and civil dialogue. We also work in the field of social care service and implementation of projects funded by local, national and EU programs and funds (ESF, EACEA, EIDHR, EYF, E+, CEI, IPA, BIFC, EuropeAid, INTERREG CENTRA, INTERREG MED, ALPINE SPACE, DANUBE, JUST, H2020, DAPHNE III, COSME …).

Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo Mesto
Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto
Rozmanova ulica 30
8000 Novo mesto
Slovenia (under construction) (temporary site)
+386 (0)7 33 73 920

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.